Code of Conduct

Rules for being in this webring.

This is the MuizenMesh Community Webring. Your site must either be hosted by MuizenMesh or be associated with the Communities of Muizenberg, Capricorn & Vrygrond in some way.

A separate circle for Fish Hoek and South Peninsula is in the pipeline!

A Circle of Circles is also contemplated.

You may set up ecommerce sites, but no commercial advertising will be allowed on the actual webring. You may thus link your site, but please practice respect and right-livelihood, and respect the rights of other sentient beings. Attempts to spam members or to create clickbait and/or catfishing will be rejected.

Community is what we all make out of it. The site has been put up by the admins in their free time.

If there is a feature you need, open a feature request, buy us a beer or coffee, and please feel free to step up with solutions.